Plan With Me! April Edition

            Every month, most bullet journalists (including me), create a monthly log to plan events for each month of the year. I just wanted to share how I set up my monthly spread for April.

Starting off the spread for April, I create a long skinny column on the left page, that I use to show what day of the month belongs to what day of the week.

Next, I create a box towards the top of the page where I write all my goals for the month. In the space below the box, I leave alone to decorate later.

On the right page of the spread, I start making a mini calendar.
It's just a grid that I make with a ruler. My grid for April is 5x7 but that can change from month to month. I create boxes at the top of each column to label with each day of the week.
In my calendar, I associate events and tasks with colored dots. Below the calendar grid, I write what each colored dot represents in my calendar.

After I have all of the elements of the monthly log I decorate the page to the theme of the month. I like to use stickers and markers to decorate. Sometimes I print tiny images out on the computer then I put them in the monthly log.
This is my April monthly log with only a few decorations
I hope this article has been helpful in inspiring your ideas for your own monthly log for your bullet journal. Not forget to subscribe to my blog with the button on the right column. Please comment any other ideas you have for my blog.

-Katelyn Haley


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