Watercolor Paper Design with Crayola Markers

Hello Bullet Journalists,

In today's post I wanted to share with you a cool way to fill space in your bullet journal and page to add a little spice to a title page that you are making. My method is really inexpensive and is really easy to do. I hope this post will be helpful to you.


  • Crayola Markers (any water based markers)
  • Plastic Sandwich Bag
  • Spray Bottle
  • Water
  • Paper Towels
Note: I recommend practicing on other sheets of paper rather than start right in your bullet journal.
  1. Take your plastic sandwich bag and draw a circle and fill it in with your Crayola markers. You can also make different designs, and use multiple marker colors to give a marble effect. 
  2. Next you want to fill up your spray bottle with some water and spray some water over the sandwich bag. *Don´t add to much to where it will ruin the page, but you don´t want to add to little* That is why it´s best to practice first.
  3. Now to want to flip the plastic bag over onto the page and it might help to use your hand to disperse the ink.
  4. Now peel the plastic bag off the page, and dab the wet page with a paper towel.
Now you just have to wait for it to dry and you can write your title over your beautiful masterpiece. 

I hope that this blog post is helpful to you and if you have any other ideas for by blog please leave them down below.

-Katelyn Haley


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