How to Start a Bullet Journal


             Recently, a trend has started up in the last year called "bullet journaling." Many people don't know what it is, how to start one, and why they should use them. In the simplest definition, bullet journals are custom planners that can have anything in them from notes, and events, to habit trackers and chore charts. They can be decorated in any way one would want and can be customized to 'liking.

             I started my first bullet journal last year in March and I have been using it for a year. I use my journal all the time and it is extremely helpful in making me be productive. I recommend making one to make the tasks in your life easier to conquer.

What You Need to Start a Bullet Journal

*There isn't anything special that you need to start your own bullet journal*

First, you need a notebook.

  • Typically a bullet journal has a grid format made with dots, but you can basically use any notebook, grid, lines, or just blank.
  • My bullet journal has lines because I didn't want to go out and buy a notebook
  • If you are buying a journal a good notebook to get is a Moleskin journal
You need pens.
  • To make your bullet journal more like a bullet journal, you can decorate it with washi tape, stickers, gel pens, markers, and printouts
  • The decoration is what makes your bullet journal more custom and pretty
  • Also get a ruler if you don't have one
How to Start a Bullet Journal

Once you have all the materials used for a bullet journal you can start making your spreads.

Spreads- Are any pages in your bullet journal that you make

Step 1: Title page- At the very first page in your new notebook you can make a title page, by just writing "Bullet Journal" or printing out a circle that says "bullet journal.
Decorate as desired

Step 2: Table of Contents- The table of contents is a very important part of an organized bullet journal. I recommend having a table of contents four pages long. It's pretty self-explanatory.

Step 3: Spreads- Now that you have your title and table of contents you can start making spreads.

Spread Ideas:
  • Year Overlook Spread
  • Weekly Spread
  • Wishlist
  • Future Log
  • Monthly Log
  • Countdowns
  • Habit Trackers
  • Collection Pages
  • Shopping List
  • Back to School
  • To-Do
There are so many different spreads that you can make in your bullet journal.
In the next blog post, I am going to go into detail on what each of these spreads is. Plus other spread ideas.



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