I GOT A BETTA FISH!!! Fishy Diary pt.1

     Hello, and welcome back to my blog. Last Friday I purchased a betta fish from Petco, and I wanted to share it with you guys because I have never had a betta fish before. The only fish I have had were the cheap ones from the fair that died within a week, and I had those when I was six. Now, I have enough time and responsibility to take care of my new betta fish.
     This project that I decided to take on, cost me about $95, including everything I bought; from decorations to the actual fish. Here is a complete list of want I got:)
  1. 1.6g fish tank ($30)
  2. Crowntail betta fish ($8)
  3. Blue and White gravel ($5)
  4. Betta fish pellets ($4)
  5. Water conditioner ($6)
  6. Five silk plants ($15)
  7. Freeze dried blood worms ($4)
  8. Rock tower aquarium ornament ($7)
  9. Betta hammock ($4)
+ shipping for some supplies and tax

     If you are planning on buying a betta fish, it will probably cost you about as much as I spent.

     My betta fish is named Dwight K. Shrute, from the character in the show "The Office". This character is my favorite from the show, plus I have a lot of inside jokes centered around this character. That's why I named him that. With my new betta fish, I am going to start a short blog series called "Fishy Diary". This will be split up into different parts as Dwight gets accustomed to living in a new home.
Image result for red and blue crowntail betta fish
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Katelyn Haley


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