Exam Season Study Tips

       Final exam week is just around the corner, and as fast as this school year is going by I can't not post some study tips for my viewers. I have compiled a list of six tips that I think are the most effective for me.

  1. Don't Cram- This tip might be one of the most obvious tips in the entire world but that is because it is very important. Cramming the day before can make you even more stressed and it is harder for your brain to retain information that way. Stay was from cramming.
      2. Practice Testing- Testing on practice quizzes can be very helpful because it can give you more              of an idea of want you need to study and what type of questions can be on your exam. If you                  have a study schedule, I recommend that you add practice tests to it.

      3. Review Notes on the Daily- Even if you              don't study for hours everyday it is still a                really good idea to review your notes every            day. You should spend a few minutes on                every set of notes,  doing that can really                improve your retention of information.

      4. Exercise- This tip is a pretty common tip,              but that is because exercise can be really                beneficial to brain activity and get your                  thoughts running a bit faster. Before an exam, trying walking around outside for a few minutes.              If you can't go outside, then try walking around the hallways.

      5. Study With Friends- Having other people study with you can help you remember important                information and it can also be fun. Just group up with your friends that are taking the same exam            and have a study session.

I hope you use some of these tips when it comes time to take exams. Thank you for reading this blog post, don't forget to comment down below any suggestions you have for my blog.

Katelyn Haley
